Bank credit supplies money where and when it is needed, and the repayment of bank credit removes money from circulation when the specific need for it has passed. 银行给需要资金之地方在需要时提供货币,当需要资金一经确定,银行信用之偿付款项就退出流通领域。
Jarlway added that it was experiencing difficulties with its banks in China, that its annual Rolling credit facilities were not being renewed and that existing facilities were being called for repayment. 佳尔华补充道,该公司与其在华银行之间出现了问题,其年度滚动信贷安排未能展期,现有贷款则被催还。
We must make an investigation of the credit standing, the operation state of the enterprises, the possibility of repayment and so on. 我们必须调查企业的资信情况、贷款偿还能力等其他情况。
The emission of national debt should be abided by have borrow have returned credit principle, bond or loan expire to want repayment of capital not only, pay certain interest even. 国债的发行要遵循有借有还的信用原则,债券或借款到期不仅要还本,还要付一定的利息。
Credit Balance Repayment: You agree to pay back ( settle) all money borrow within 28 days. 贷方余额偿还:用户同意在28天内归还所有贷款。
Banks are going crazy these days to give out loans and credit cards, but often their motives are centered around extremely high interest rates, or unreasonable fees and repayment schedules. 如今,银行纷纷狂抛售贷款、信用卡,可是往往它们的意图是围绕着极其高的利息,或不合理收费及偿还日程表。
In such an instance, the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property, to be sure of repayment. 在这种情况下,贷方把借方的信誉和资产看得同样考试大重要,以确保借方有能力偿还债务。
In addition, there is the credit risk that the borrower may fail to honour its repayment obligations. 此外,投资债券亦存在借款人未能履行其偿债义务的信贷风险。
Under the present social credit environment, most small and medium enterprises have weak understanding about credit and their motivation of repayment is not strong. 在当前的社会信用制度环境下,多数中小企业信用观念淡薄,还款动力不强。
The availability of easy credit and very low repayment requirements has helped to create a generation of people who have been encouraged to buy whatever we want without having to save or wait for it. 这些轻松得到的赊帐和很低的偿还需求创造了一代人,这代人被鼓励去购买他们想要的而不需要存钱或者等待。
Check your credit agreement small print to see how much you could be charged, and see if this makes the prospect of early repayment quite as attractive. 小额信贷协议查核你打印你看看多少可收取,看看这提前还款前景相当具有吸引力。
Marx and others had ever made systematic study on credit from the economics point of view, and pointed out that credit is a special form of value movement based on repayment. 马克思、恩格斯则对经济学上的信用作过系统研究,指出信用是以偿还为条件的价值运动的特殊形式。
This paper analyzes the usefulness of credit guarantee mechanism against default and explains who should be the credit guarantor in student loan scheme, and tries to find out the mechanism in raising the repayment rate as well as controlling the cost of student loan scheme. 本文通过界定信用担保概念,分析信用担保机制如何能降低学生贷款拖欠率,论证谁适合作担保主体,力图寻找提高还款率的内在机理。
From financial affairs analyse watch, the recommend scheme has the better evaluation index, the stronger ability to resist risk, and the better credit repayment ability at the same time. 从财务分析看,推荐方案各项评价指标较好,具有较强的抗风险能力,同时有较好的偿还贷款能力。
Credit Rating Failure: Repayment Willingness Must be Taken into Consideration 征信失效:还款意愿问题须重视
So, the bank should analyze the feasibility and profitability of the project according to the result of financial evaluation in order to appraise the ability of credit repayment of the enterprise, and then make the loan decision. 所以,银行也要根据财务评估的结果,分析项目的可行性与盈利性,以评价企业的偿还贷款能力,进而确定是否贷款。
To give dual attention to macroscopic and the microscopic factors, to define the credit risks from the payment ability and the repayment wish and proposes a default rate measurement model structure based on our real situation to combine the payment ability and the repayment wish. 3. 兼顾宏观和微观两方面因素,从偿还能力和偿还意愿两方面对信用风险进行定义,并根据我国实际情况提出将偿还能力和偿还意愿结合起来度量违约概率的模型架构。
Others hold the view that individuals 'bankruptcy system is the base of modern consumer credit economy. It may help evade paying debts for honest and unfortunate debtor, and raise duty of care of creditor, providing efficient and just repayment of remnant property. 另有部分学者则认为,自然人破产制度是现代消费信用经济发展的基础制度,既帮助诚实且不幸的债务人免除债务,又提高了债权人的注意义务,有效率且公平的受偿剩余财产。
The microfinance is a special way of financial which makes the rural poor as a target according to the circumstances of family structure, the main source of income, the credit repayment and so on. 一般主要以农村的贫困人口作为目标客户并根据客户的家庭结构、主要收入来源、还款意愿及信用度等具体情况对他们提供相应的小额度贷款,可以说是一种比较特殊的金融方式。
In credit card business, the cardholder objectively loss the repayment ability is the key event in causing credit risk. 在信用卡业务系统中,引起信用风险的基本事件B的敏感性因子最大,即持卡人客观上丧失还款能力是引起信用卡信用风险的关键事件。
The chapter four is about the positive analysis and the application of conclusion. The data of consumer credit borrowers from Wuxi commercial bank are used to build Cox regression models respectively, default and early repayment being the failure event. 第四章是实证分析与结论应用,利用无锡某商业银行消费信贷客户资料,以客户逾期和提前还款为研究对象,分别建立Cox回归模型。
Credit rating is the assessment of repaying debt capacity and willingness of customers doing by commercial banks, the evaluation of the risk of debt repayment the base of determining the extent of loan risk and the foundation of assets and credit risk management. 信贷评级是商业银行对客户偿还债务能力和意愿的评估,是对债务偿还风险的综合评价,是确定贷款风险程度的依据和信贷资产风险管理的基础。
Again, to improving bankruptcy debt repayment mechanism and regulating commercial credit system, there are still many shortcomings in current bankruptcy and debt repayment mechanism. 再次,完善破产偿债机制,规范商业信用体系。
Credit risk includes borrower risk and developer risk. Market risk includes macroeconomic risk, interest risk and early repayment risk. 信用风险包括借款人风险和开发商风险,市场风险包括宏观经济风险、利率风险和提前还款风险,操作风险包括银行经营管理风险和法律风险。